Existence is hard when you are still battling with shame

Shame is something that I have definitely felt because I have not been able to have children. Do I still feel it now that I am living a Canbace Life? Not sure about that one. I think there is a … Continued

Beautiful Perspectives on the benefits of emotional writing Pt1

A one-off emotional writing session, when you focus on a particular subject, is very cathartic. However, there are tangible benefits of regularly writing in this way. Consider buying yourself a special book or notepad. Then you can turn your emotional … Continued

Creating YOUR New Beautiful And Courageous Canbace Life

My apologies for the delay in publishing this blog about “Creating YOUR New Beautiful And Courageous Canbace Life”. There were a few extra tasks that needed to happen behind the scenes to ensure that everything mentioned in the blog was … Continued

Existence is easier with laughter in your life part one

Let’s face it laughter is not something that comes easily when we’re struggling with our situation. For years years I felt overwhelmed by my grief. Thinking back to that time I hardly laughed at all. Infertility had sucked ALL the … Continued

Beautiful perspectives on the creativity of camels

Yes, you did read the title correctly. Today I am sharing my beautiful perspectives on the creativity of camels. No need to hunt for your glasses and no need to get concerned about my state of mind post World Childless … Continued

It’s OK to wobble even during World Childless Week

I want you to know that it IS OK to wobble: YES even during World Childless Week when you are surrounded by so much love and support. You are only human and humans wobble. Before I write anything else I … Continued

Rebuild your self-worth and be kind to yourself

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Yesterday the focus was on We are worthy and how self-worth can be a huge struggle when infertility and being childless not by choice has destroyed our confidence. Today it’s the time for some proactive healing as we move forward … Continued

Struggling with self-worth

Struggling with your sense of self-worth sucks and is a frequently consequence of being childless not by choice. So it’s lovely to see all the #IAmMe photos that are popping up all over my Facebook news feed and on Twitter. … Continued

Exploring True Love

Before I share my response to “You don’t know true love until you’ve had a child” I’d like to explore what love, and by extrapolation true love, really is. Love is hormonal, indeed a number of hormones, (something tangible that … Continued

The Man-ority Report because #menmattertoo

Today is Men Matter Too day in WCW. So why do we matter? Men are sometimes perceived as the second class citizens of the childless not by choice community. We are not vocal, and do not express our feelings as … Continued