The healing power of laughter

Laughter. There’s not been a huge about of it ringing around “Chez Fletcher” recently. As I briefly mentioned in “You can never have enough Flamingos” the last few weeks have been tough. Any laughter has been of the “OMG I can’t … Continued

Existence is easier with laughter in your life part one

Let’s face it laughter is not something that comes easily when we’re struggling with our situation. For years years I felt overwhelmed by my grief. Thinking back to that time I hardly laughed at all. Infertility had sucked ALL the … Continued

Poetry is like a bird it ignores all frontiers

POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I do write briefly about my young god-daughter inspiring me to write some children’s poetry. There are no images in this blog as this is all about the written word! Poetry has always played an important part … Continued

Existence will be a little different next week

I can hardly believe where the last year has gone. It’s only seems like a few weeks ago that Andrew and I were working so hard in the background to help make World Childless Week 2017 the success that it … Continued

Self-worth and the power of praise

I woke up this morning feeling a little vulnerable. There had been some unpleasantness in my life over the last few days so the sense of my own self-worth has been challenged. I was picking up on negative vibes that … Continued

CREATING our new more social canbace life

I expect like many people in our situation Andrew and I completely retreated into our shells. We accepted fewer and fewer invitations and invited fewer people to spend time “chez nous”. The path to our hermit-like existence was like a … Continued

AND now for some guilty pleasure

Regardless of where we are in our Canbace/childless journey we all need a guilty pleasure or five. They help us through the really bad wobbles and at other times are gentle reminders that we can enjoy the life that we … Continued