Innocent comments that hurt

TRIGGER WARNING: The thoughts expresses in the videos about the innocent comments that hurt may be upsetting. If you are feeling vulnerable please watch which caution. These videos were recorded just prior to WCW2017. They were part of my blog … Continued

Creating a Canbace Buzz with a bucket load of ideas

For a while now, I’ve been writing about Canbace and what a difference it has made to my life. Then there have been my beautiful perspectives and “existence can be …” series of blogs. I’ve been sharing these insights hoping … Continued

Existence can be hard when you run out of spoons

It’s confession time. I ran out of spoons on Wednesday. Something I haven’t done for a while. I am usually far better at managing them. On Wednesday I wasn’t. So, I didn’t publish a blog Wednesday or play catch up … Continued

Creating a beautiful focal point for the letters from your heart

posted in: Proactive Healing | 0

Writing “Letters from your heart” is a great way to express your feelings. This type of emotional writing has a huge number of health benefits. Not only can it be very cathartic it can also reduce blood pressure and improve … Continued

Beautiful Perspectives on the benefits of emotional writing Pt1

A one-off emotional writing session, when you focus on a particular subject, is very cathartic. However, there are tangible benefits of regularly writing in this way. Consider buying yourself a special book or notepad. Then you can turn your emotional … Continued

Creating YOUR New Beautiful And Courageous Canbace Life

My apologies for the delay in publishing this blog about “Creating YOUR New Beautiful And Courageous Canbace Life”. There were a few extra tasks that needed to happen behind the scenes to ensure that everything mentioned in the blog was … Continued

Existence is easier with laughter in your life part one

Let’s face it laughter is not something that comes easily when we’re struggling with our situation. For years years I felt overwhelmed by my grief. Thinking back to that time I hardly laughed at all. Infertility had sucked ALL the … Continued

Beautiful perspectives on the creativity of camels

Yes, you did read the title correctly. Today I am sharing my beautiful perspectives on the creativity of camels. No need to hunt for your glasses and no need to get concerned about my state of mind post World Childless … Continued

It’s OK to wobble even during World Childless Week

I want you to know that it IS OK to wobble: YES even during World Childless Week when you are surrounded by so much love and support. You are only human and humans wobble. Before I write anything else I … Continued