Emotional resilience for a happier Christmas

Emotional Resilience? Sounds interesting yet what is it? Could be helpful especially at Christmas when emotions can be stretched to their limit. So, what is emotional resilience, why is it needed during Christmas and what can we do to improve … Continued

The healing power of laughter

Laughter. There’s not been a huge about of it ringing around “Chez Fletcher” recently. As I briefly mentioned in “You can never have enough Flamingos” the last few weeks have been tough. Any laughter has been of the “OMG I can’t … Continued

The Canbace Life Magazine is coming soon

Although Andrew and I are less than six months into living a Canbace Life we have seen so many changes in that time. We no longer feel the weight of being childLESS crushing down on our hearts: instead we greet … Continued

You can never have enough flamingos

This week flamingos have come to the rescue again this week. Last week I was on a real high. Andrew and I were extremely busy with the last-minute tasks associated with publishing the magazine. However, despite the amount of work … Continued

What a difference 18 months and Canbace makes

At the moment I am in the middle of a moratorium of creating new content for the Canbace Diaries. I’ve been struggling with exhaustion and Andrew put his foot down last week. No new content until 1st November. So instead … Continued

The first steps towards emotional healing

The emotional pain that we all experience at one time or another can be overwhelming. In the midst of it it is hard to know where to start in terms of emotional healing. However, there comes a time when we … Continued