What a difference 18 months and Canbace makes

At the moment I am in the middle of a moratorium of creating new content for the Canbace Diaries. I’ve been struggling with exhaustion and Andrew put his foot down last week. No new content until 1st November. So instead … Continued

The first steps towards emotional healing

The emotional pain that we all experience at one time or another can be overwhelming. In the midst of it it is hard to know where to start in terms of emotional healing. However, there comes a time when we … Continued

Creating a Canbace Buzz with a bucket load of ideas

For a while now, I’ve been writing about Canbace and what a difference it has made to my life. Then there have been my beautiful perspectives and “existence can be …” series of blogs. I’ve been sharing these insights hoping … Continued

Exploring True Love

Before I share my response to “You don’t know true love until you’ve had a child” I’d like to explore what love, and by extrapolation true love, really is. Love is hormonal, indeed a number of hormones, (something tangible that … Continued

The Man-ority Report because #menmattertoo

Today is Men Matter Too day in WCW. So why do we matter? Men are sometimes perceived as the second class citizens of the childless not by choice community. We are not vocal, and do not express our feelings as … Continued

Unlocking the healing power of emotional writing

Today is all about writing “letters from our hearts”, specifically letters to our unborn children. Whilst I have written my letter to Grace, I am not sharing it today. Instead I want to align this blog with my Ethos of … Continued