Living the #CanbaceLife with Brandi Lytle

On the 4th Monday of every month I will be sharing the thoughts of other people who are starting to embrace their #CanbaceLife. As she was so instrumental in the creation of Canbace I am so pleased that Brandi Lytle, … Continued

Share your #CanbaceLife and inspire others

Sharing the way that you are embracing your #CanbaceLife not only helps you celebrate your successes, it can inspire other people who have not yet started to Canbace.  If you would like to share how you are living your #CanbaceLife … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Saalumarada Thimmakka

As part of last year’s World Childless Week, I published a guest blog about being “Childless in Indian Communities” for someone who didn’t have a platform of their own. Later in the week we provided a link about a childless … Continued

Belated Happy Birthday to a Courageous Canbacer

Today’s Courageous Canbacer is again going to be slightly different. Although I’m not writing about an historical Canbacer I am writing about someone who will go down in history as one of the most influential CNBC women of our time. … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Elizabeth I

Today’s Courageous Canbacer is Queen Elizabeth I. No, you don’t need your eyes testing and I haven’t totally lost the plot: well not quite yet. There a number of people lining up to share their Courageous Canbacer stories: however, they … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Andrew Fletcher

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Every Friday in “Canbace Diaries” I will be sharing the experience of another Courageous Canbacer. They will explain the shifts in their perspective as they embrace their new CANBACE life. Let’s celebrate our successes and share our stories. They may … Continued