Existence can be hard when progress is slow

Existence can be hard. Isn’t that the understatement of the century especially when you are attempting to accept the unacceptable? If healing was easy we would all have come to terms with our situation years ago. We would have listened … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Andrew Fletcher

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Every Friday in “Canbace Diaries” I will be sharing the experience of another Courageous Canbacer. They will explain the shifts in their perspective as they embrace their new CANBACE life. Let’s celebrate our successes and share our stories. They may … Continued

Canbace solves my childFREE or childLESS dilemma

“I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I think I like it!” These lyrics from the Pointer Sisters could have been written for me about canbace. I’ve been singing them over and over … Continued