The announcement that wasn’t

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I’d promised that today I would be announcing some of the forthcoming Canbace initiatives. Unfortunately since I made that promise life took an unexpected turn.

We knew that we had a house viewing booked for this morning. What we didn’t know was that we were going to have horrendous weather for five days that made mowing the grass virtually impossible.

Not only that a repair Andrew had done a couple of weeks ago had caused the problem to move. More repairs were needed DOUBLE QUICK!

The silver-lining is that we’d been so busy over the last couple of weeks that Andrew hadn’t got around to selling tools on Facebook so we still had everything to hand.

So our quick WHIZZ around the house turned into repair and damage control.

We managed to pull it off. Somehow we always do!

Not only that, the sun decided to put in a rare appearance this morning. Which means our house was bathed in sunlight when the potential buyers arrived. Each time they walked into a new room they commented on how spacious the rooms were. The loved the huge windows with the light streaming through. Our windows are the size of most people’s doors!

We’ve now got to wait for feedback. The couple obviously liked the house a lot. The were talking about where they would put some of their furniture as well as how much it would cost to turn the barn into a gite. As the barn is almost twice the size of the house that would be a blimming big gite!

All of which are positive signs.

However, I don’t know if they LOVED the house. And of course, they are viewing other houses too. Not only do they have to LOVE our house and the life they could live in it, they need to LOVE it more than any of the other houses.

Only time will tell.

Unfortunately all of this had to take priority and it all took time. Why couldn’t the viewing have happened two weeks ago when the sun was shining!

So we are behind on the last bits and pieces of behind the scenes work that needed to be done before the announcements could happen.

The ducks are in the farmyard and only need to be encouraged to stand in line. So there isn’t a huge amount of work to do.


We’ll be doing this over the next few days: I need some down time because my broken toe has taken a bit of a battering the last couple of days. Had to work through the pain because Andrew couldn’t do all the work on his own. A few days of downtime and LOTS of ice will see me back on my feet. If still a little wobbly!

So I’m afraid the announcements will probably not happen until the beginning of next week.

All very frustrating: however, I’m going to remain positive about this.

Selling a house is a number’s game. It only takes one person to fall in LOVE with a place and you’ve got yourself a buyer. Unfortunately you never know if that person is going to be viewer #1, viewer #7 or viewer #12.

We’re hoping that because the universe was playing hard-ball over the last few days that it will be kind to us about the numbers game.

Come on #1 ….. you can do it!

Enough of my ramblings now. The icepack is calling.

Remember: You are strong. You are deserving.

Be kind to yourself

In Canbace friendship

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