No plan survives first contact with technology

No plan survives first contact with technology seems to be becoming truer as technology gets “better”. Have you noticed that the OS upgrades now only seem to last days. They then have to repair the upgrades that cause more issues than the ones they were supposed to correct in the first place!

A good rant coming on

 Technology seems to be getting “smarter” but less intelligent as time goes on.

Predictive text used to give you options for you to choose from. Now if you don’t choose what you’ve already written it puts in what it thinks should be even if it doesn’t make any sense. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official Fronglaise language which would help with putting a shopping list on the phone. We have got the normal things we buy inserted into the dictionary, but sometimes we still look at the list and think “what was it we wanted?” as there is no correlation.

Technology is supposed to make life quicker and easier but a lot of the time it makes it slower and more difficult.

I could go on about comparison websites and why they don’t do comparisons. They simply push you to whoever has paid them the most. Then there are the supposed personal ads you get because you once visited a website by accident etc…

but this would become a novel not a blog.

Unfortunately, technology can both help and hinder Creating A New, Beautiful And Courageous Existence.

Our technology headache so far this year

No plan survives first contact with technology seems to be very true for us this year. Here’s what happened to us.

We got the renewal email for our website hosting plan in December with a price. We thought OK that looks good so went onto the website to renew and found a totally different price in our billing section. (considerably more expensive). A text “chat” then ensued with the hosting provider which got us no further forward than increasing the price. AGAIN!

technologyWe then decided we needed to speak to someone at the hosting company. That resulted in them being as equally confused as we were.

Upon further investigation they queried why we were using our existing plan when there was another one far more suited to our needs.

In the end we ended up paying a little more than our “billing” renewal price for an upgrade to dedicated IP and more security and SEO software included in the bundle. However, this higher price was for three years not one. The price per year is actually less than the email price for our one-year renewal.


Or was it?

There obviously had to be a migration to the dedicated IP package and as it was between Christmas and New Year we thought this would be a good time to do it as things are quieter.

The initial estimation of “24hrs and it will ALL be sorted” had us slightly worried. We remembered the post-security upgrade nightmare that we had in January 2018.

We gritted our teeth, kept everything crossed for a few days and hoped for the best.

The migration happened and we could see our websites. The 24hr estimation had been an exaggeration. All done and dusted within 12 hours so well before the 1st January and the start of our “year of Canbacing” blogs.

However, come the 1st January things changed.

The migration we thought had been complete was only really just starting. Now we couldn’t log on to ANY of our wordpress dashboard.

Another phone call and it turned out that they had missed spelled our passwords during the migration. (a quick fix).


Or was it?

We then discovered that we were having problems in one of our sites trying to upload downloadable files. This we found out was because of interference from a security plugin we had on another of our sites before the migration. Not quite as quick a fix as we had to find out where and which plugin. Then a couple of people had problem logging into the magazine. This we could fix easily even if time consuming. Why only a couple of people? Well because they logged in during the migration it managed to reset their details to “inactive”.

So, the joys of technology so far this year.

I know technology is only as good as the people behind it but if these sorts of migrations happen “regularly” you would have thought someone would have come up with some software (technology) that would do it fairly seamlessly.

Or am I being sensible?

Love it or hate it technology is changing

I know I have been ranting and talking about computer technology, whereas technology spans every aspect of our lives and has one since the start of human history. From the shoes that we wear to the food we eat technology has had a part to play.

"With any advent in technology, any technological innovation, there
 is the good and the bad."
Henry Rollins

Most of it good but some of it bad. My problem is that the rate of change is increasing and not necessarily for the better. I know the bad will fall by the wayside even though we have been told that they will revolutionise our lives. They probably have but not for the good it was thought they would.

Practice makes perfect

It’s all well and good writing about things in theory: however, we need to start applying what we learn. Why don’t you look at ways to avoid the “joys” of technology even if only for a short period. This could be something as simple as reading a real book (not ebook) or something else that doesn’t involve technology.

To help you keep track of all your work for the daily activities mentioned, we have created a Monthly Diary for you to record your progress. To download your copy of “My January Canbace Diary” please click here.

Be kind to yourself …

In CANBACE friendship!

If anything I have written resonates I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about. If you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website, please let me know. I will keep your words private.

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