A desperate need to detox

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I need to detox. In a recent blog I looked at dream stealers and why some people in our lives seem determined to bring us down or hold us back. We need to detox our relationships. You can read that blog here.

However, today I’m focusing on the need for a food detox after over-indulging at Christmas. Although as you will see the “problem” goes back a lot longer than that.

Pre-detox background

  • January 2015 – Andrew and I decide we drastically need to lose weight
  • February 2015 – we discover the 5/2 way of eating which really suited us
  • Not only did I lose 7kg (about 15lbs) we generally felt better too.
  • Spring 2016 – my health took a serious turn for the worse
  • After a month on morphine the pain levels eventually decreased yet I’ve not been able to increase my exercise.
  • January 2018 – I had put back on some of the weight that I had lost in 2015: however, I was still lighter than I had been for the previous decade

detoxThe summer of 2018

2018 has been a full-on roller coaster of ups and downs. When life was going well, I ate more healthily. Unfortunately, if you have higher “highs” the lows tend to hit you harder. For a short while I was still just about in control. The happier, less stressful, times were frequent enough to balance out the times when my calorie intake increased sharply.

Then things shifted.

We’ve recently been through four months when there was little or no respite. My resolve took a hit. As the stress levels rose, we reached for the pizza and the chocolate. Frequently we reached for both. I piled on the pounds.

Now my relationship with food is currently completely out of the control.

December 2018

I am now 5kg (near a stone) heavier than my 2015 “heavier than I’ve ever been” weight. Something has to change.

“Healthy eating isn’t supposed to be about self-denial; it’s not a punishment.” Ella Woodward

Which I completely agree with, normally. However, at the moment drastic measures are called for. We need to kick-start our healthy eating habit again.

detoxI’m so determined to succeed this time that I’ve even taken a no holds barred, wobbly bits hanging out, “before photo”. As I’m going to be sharing progress photos this will help me be accountable. I want everyone to be able to see the inches disappearing!

So, get to the ball rolling it’s time for a detox. We need to be strict for seven days to then allow us a chance of regaining a healthier attitude to food. I also think it will help my digestive system not to be eating any wheat or diary for a while. My wheat intolerance has not appreciated how I’ve been pushing the limits of what my gut can cope with recently.

I actually wrote the above on New Year’s Eve. We started our Seven Day Detox on 2nd January, so we are currently on Day Six. Here’s how we’ve done so far.

Day One

Today we’re only allowed to eat raw fruit and vegetables. This actually hasn’t been as hard as we had thought. I think our bodies were really READY for this. We’ve been drinking plenty of water. Over and above the 8 x 8oz recommended. So much water that we’ve started to pee for England. Something we eventually got used to when doing a 5:2 fast day.

Day Two

Apart from having the expected detox headache we both woke up feeling so much better today. Yes, we were feeling a little hungry: however, it was that comfortable feel of not feeling stuffed rather than a gnawing hunger from not eating. Another similarity to a 5:2 fast day. Another day of only raw fruit, vegetables and water. However, today our water is going to be hot! We’d forgotten how cold you feel during a detox or fast day and winter arrived here two days ago.

Day Three

detoxYeh, we’ve made it through the toughest part. Today we’re allowed to cook our vegetables! We’re also allowed to add some lean meat or fish if we want some more variety. How are we feeling? Good, for the most part. The detox headaches have gone. We don’t feel as bloated around the stomach. The water intake is increasing: however, that also means that the peeing is increasing too. The biggest revolution is that we’ve discovered pomelos. Why had no one told us how wonderful they were before? When we can start adding some spices back into our diet, we’re planning on celebrating with Yam Som-O (Thai Prawn and Pomelo Salad). You can read the recipe we’re going to use here.

Days Four, Five, and Six

I’ve rolled these into one heading as every day was basically the same. We were still only eating raw or cooked fruit and vegetables. We had chicken on evening and grilled salmon another. Several meals were homemade vegetable soup: I wasn’t the daughter of the soup dragon for nothing! Drinking water and peeing for a world record is going well too. I have to say we both feel brilliant. I’m very tempted to get on the scales because I know that I have lost weight. However, I’m going to be good and not do so until we’ve finished the detox.

Post Detox Update

I was extremely strong willed and didn’t get on the scales until the day after our detox. The results are amazing. Andrew lost 3.5kg and I lost 3.9kg. I’m now almost back down the weight I was in 2015. A great start to a year when we are not only Creating A New, Beautiful And Courageous Existence, we’re creating a healthier one too!

Practice makes perfect

It’s all well and good writing about things in theory: however, we need to start applying what we learn. Christmas often means an increase in socialising, and stress, which leads lead to over-indulgence. Food and alcohol become intoxicating drugs giving us short term relief from our emotional pain. Our bodies get used to the higher intake of fat, sugar, carbs and alcohol. It can be difficult to get back to eating more healthily. If this sounds familiar to you, consider kick-starting the New Year with a bit of a detox.

To help you keep track of all your work for the daily activities mentioned we have created a monthly diary for you to record your progress. To download your copy of “My January Canbace Diary” please click here.

Be kind to yourself …

In CANBACE friendship!


If anything I have written resonates I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about. If you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website, please let me know. I will keep your words private.

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