I don’t know about you: however, there have been times over the last few years when I’ve felt overwhelmed by my emotions. I will be feeling fine and enjoying the sense of balance that I have finally achieved and then suddenly


A trigger hits …..

change agentIt could be anything. An invitation to a baby shower. Standing behind a couple in a supermarket queue and catching a glimpse of his hand placed lovingly on her pregnancy bump. An insensitive comment. Discriminatory treatment at work.

Whilst the triggers can be different, the results are the same ….

That sense of balance turns out to be an illusion as grief engulfs us like a tsunami.

As if the strength of those emotions isn’t enough to floor us the universe, then delivers another cruel blow.

The number of emotions and their range is astounding.

A few years ago, I recorded this video about the different negative emotions that people who are struggling with infertility can experience. This was recorded for publication during National Infertility Awareness Week, so I do focus on infertility at the end of the video. However, these emotions can be felt no matter why you have not been able to have the children you dreamed of raising.


[Insert video about the rollercoaster of emotions]

At this point we haven’t even considered the positive emotions that we can feel at the same time. It is a huge shock to the system to realise that it IS possible to feel happy for a pregnant friend whilst also being choaked by our grief.

In these situations, it is perfectly natural for us to experience these emotions. It is ok NOT to feel ok.

However, we do have a challenge. It’s a question of balance. Yes, it’s ok not to feel ok and yet we don’t want to become so overwhelmed by our feelings that we slip back into the black pit of despair.

Fortunately, there are techniques that we can use to give us the breathing space needed so the triggering experience doesn’t lead to an emotional hijack that we struggle to escape.





[insert information about emotional hijacks here]

Over the years I have gathered around me a number of techniques that can help. The Canbace Life Survival Kit contains six of those techniques. These are the ones that I have found most beneficial whilst also being incredibly easy to learn and use.

Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t like the fact that I am now uploading videos from Mexico rather than France. As a result, it is taking far longer for them to complete their important checks before they finish processing and I can embed the videos into this page. It may take a few days for me to resolve this issue. I hope the videos will able available by the end of the week.

I am sorry for the delay. Luckily these techniques can be used at any time of the year and to help navigate many different types of triggering situation. So, while they may not be available to help you this Mother’s Day, they will help you in the months and years to come.

However, I don’t want to leave here without having a little something that might help you through the next few days which I know can be extremely tough. So here are three videos that I recorded a while ago about using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techinque/Tapping).


As I am not 100% sure exactly when the full Canbace Life Survival Kit will be available please use the form below to receive a notification. This will ONLY be used for sending ONE email to you about the Canbace Life Survival Kit.

In Canbace support and friendship